When it comes to building in video games, probably everybody reminds Minecraft first. However, many other games allow players to build perfect houses, villages, and even towns. One of these games is Roblox Scp-3008 IKEA. And by reading this guide, you will find out the best house ideas for Roblox Scp-3008 IKEA. Let’s get started!
Modern Mansion
Honestly, Modern Mansion is the golden mean between the difficulty level to build it, its appearance, and the functionality you will get. One more benefit of this house is that it is really big. So, you will not be facing problems when you do not have enough space to make rooms or collect resources.
However, as with any large building, you will need many resources to construct it. Moreover, it will take some time to build this house. And those are two main disadvantages. But if you like this house and want to build it, you will not pay attention to the time.
Aesthetic Base
This base is one of the most beautiful and creative buildings that you can make in Roblox Scp-3008 IKEA. You will not spend a lot of time constructing this house, and it will attract other players’ eyes. However, the disadvantage of this base is the space. As the house is a triangle, you will have nearly no free space inside the construction, which is a big minus. So, you can use this house as a secondary or build it just for fun.
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Skybase is the most creative way to build your house in Roblox Scp-3008 IKEA. And the main advantage of building a sky base is that nobody limits you. You can choose any size of the house and use any design. Moreover, sky base is probably one of the best ways to get out from everyone and be alone. Be sure that nobody will find you if you construct such a base on a public server.
However, building such a base require a lot of time and experience. And that is the main disadvantage. That is how it is. Those were the best house ideas for Roblox Scp-3008 IKEA. Thank you for reading the guide. Hope you find it helpful!
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Best House Ideas for Roblox Scp-3008 IKEA