Genshin Impact Guide: Where To Farm Cor Lapis for Zhongli

Genshin Impact Cor Lapis Guide

Genshin Impact is a widely popular gacha-based role-playing game that offers a plethora of minerals and resource that actively help in strengthening the player. Minerals like Iron chunks, White Iron chunks, Crystal chunks, etc. help the players to craft one of the most demanding upgrading material of the entire game, Enhancement cores.

Cor Lapis is an ascension material that players can find in the Liyue region. It located inside caves, mines, and near mountainous terrain. Players can use Cor Lapis to ascend playable characters like Chongyun, Keqing and the upcoming playable character Zhongli.

It has been a month since Genshin Impact launched across PC, PS4, Android and iOS platforms. Recently, Genshin Impact’s official discord server became the world’s largest discord server with more than 7,50,000 members. The game is making millions of dollars with in-game microtransactions. Thanks to the gacha-system there a continuous flow of revenue.

In a few weeks, Genshin Impact will receive its first big update 1.1. The game is going to introduce four brand new characters and, Zhongli is one of them. And, since the first thing players will do after getting Zhongli is upgrading him to LVL 60 plus.

For that players need a lot of Cor Lapis and as the saying goes “Better be prepared than be sorry”. Today we are here to help the Genshin Impact community with some of the best farming locations for Cor Lapis.

Farming Locations for Cor Lapis in Genshin Impact

1.) Mount Hulao

Image Credit: Hritwik

In Genshin Impact, Mount Hulao is one of the best spots to farm Cor Lapis, Chests, Adventure XP.

Image Credit: Hritwik

Players can find around 7 to 8 Cor Lapis and a few other minerals like Iron chunks at Mount Hulao.

Image Credit: Hritwik

There are also big Cor-Lapis like stones that players can break-open to find chests or enemies(random spawn). Moreover, the random chests spawn makes this area one of the best farming spots for Adventure XP. Follow the path leading downhill to Mount Hulao and you can find plenty of these stones.

2.) Luhua Pool

Image Credit: Hritwik

Luhua Pool is another hotspot location for farming Cor Lapis in Genshin Impact. Players can find around 6 to 8 Cor Lapis depending on the farming route.

Image Credit: Hritwik

In the above map, at the exact player pointer, you can find 2 Cor Lapis. After that take the semi-circular route marked with white colour.

3.) Collapsed Mine: Mingyun Village

Image Credit: Hritwik

In this location players can find around 2-3 Cor Lapis and 3-4 Noctilucous along with other minerals.

4.) Liyue Region: Genshin Impact Interactive Map

Image Credit: Genshin Impact Interactive Map

Players can use the Genshin Impact interactive map to farm more Cor Lapis if they plan to ascend more than one character. We personally use the above 3 farming locations to farm around 40-60 Cor Lapis a day(by Rinse and Repeat same route in Co-op sessions).

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Genshin Impact Guide: Where To Farm Cor Lapis for Zhongli


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