How to Get and Use Smoker in Minecraft Bedrock Edition


In Minecraft, food is one of the essential resources. A lot of food items are available in raw form. Instead of eating raw food, you can cook them to make cooked food that recovers more hunger points. If you plan to cook tons of food items, you can use smoker to make the process quicker. This guide will tell you about smoker and its benefit in Minecraft Bedrock Edition.

Smoker in Minecraft: Everything you need to know

Smoker is one of three types of furnaces available in Minecraft. It was added to the game in the 1.14 Village & Pillage update. To craft a smoker, you will need the following items:

Open the crafting and place the furnace in the center crafting slot. Then, place four wood blocks on each side of the furnace, as shown in the above image. That’s it! You can now craft a smoker and move it to your inventory in Minecraft.

How to use Smoker in Minecraft Bedrock

After crafting a smoker, you might be wondering how to use it. Smoker has various uses in Minecraft Bedrock Edition:

1) Cooking food

Smoker is commonly used for cooking food in Minecraft. It cannot smelt any other items. Smoker cooks food twice as fast as furnace. However, it also consumes twice the fuel a furnace uses.

2) Butcher profession

By placing a smoker near a jobless villager, you can turn him into a butcher. This is one of the best villager professions for food items. A butcher usually sells cooked porkchop and cooked chicken. You can also sell some raw food items to a butcher in Minecraft.

3) Bass drum sound

A note block on top of smoker creates “bass drum” sounds. Instead of smoker, players can also use other blocks like stone or blackstone for the same sound effect.

These are the main uses of smoker in Minecraft. If you have any doubts regarding smoker, feel free to ask in the comments!

Related: How to Craft and Use Blast Furnace in Minecraft

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How to Get and Use Smoker in Minecraft Bedrock Edition


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