With Genshin Impact 3.0 “The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings” update, players finally have access to the Sumeru region. To make exploration a little easier, players can activate all Statue of Sevens and Teleports Waypoints. It not only creates teleport nodes, but it also rewards players will lucrative rewards. There is one Waypoint that is located underwater and is hard to activate. In this guide, we will explain how you can unlock the Underwater Waypoint in Genshin Impact Sumeru.
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Where to Find The Underwater Waypoint in Genshin Impact
You will find the Underwater Teleport Waypoint west of Yazadaha Pool in Sumeru. Here is a map screenshot that shares the exact location of the Underwater Waypoint.

Go towards to Waypoint location and you will come across a waterfall, behind which, the Teleport Waypoint is located.
How to Unlock Underwater Waypoint
To unlock the Underwater Waypoint, you first have to solve a series of puzzles that also unlocks the Fragment of Childhood domain. Thankfully, we already have a detailed guide on Genshin Impact: How to find and unlock Fragment of Childhood Domain. Check it out and follow the steps to unlock the domain.
Once that is done, teleport to the Statue of Seven found west of Yazadaha Pool and keep heading west till you reach the waterfall. Glide down and you will find the water is gone. Interact with the Underwater Waypoint to unlock it as a teleport node. By following this and the linked guide, you can unlock both Underwater Teleport Waypoint and the domain, Fragment of Childhood.
That’s it for now. Make sure to check out our coverage on the Genshin Impact version 3.0 update.
Genshin Impact is a free-to-play gacha-based role-playing game currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Android, and iOS.
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How to Unlock the Underwater Waypoint in Genshin Impact Sumeru