One of the most exciting features of Evony is the general system. There are a lot of different generals who give various improvements to your troops. Read this guide, and you will find out how to get and develop Martinus in Evony. No time to lose. Let’s get started!
Martinus Guide in Evony – How to Get Him?
First, you need to know that Martinus is one of the best generals in Evony. However, the fact is that using this general correctly is pretty hard. Therefore, if you are a beginner, it would be best to opt for another general. That is how it is.
And this general has epic gold rarity, which is pretty good. However, unlike other generals, you can get Martinus using 2 ways. The first one is by purchasing him in the store. Using this way, general will cost you approximately 80,000,000. But remember that the price can be easily changed in the future.
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The second way of getting the general is way more complex. The fact is that you can get Martinus from the great general chest. However, the chances of getting this general from the chest are too low. Therefore, rely only on yourself, but not on luck.
How to Develop Martinus
Honestly, there is nothing hard in developing Martinus in Evony. All you need is to play using this hero as much as possible and use all buffs on him. Be sure; it is the best way to develop Martinus and any other general in Evony Fast. That is how it is.
In conclusion, there is nothing special in getting and developing Martinus. To get this general, you need to spend a lot of resources, and to improve it, you need to spend a lot of time in the game. So, thank you for reading the guide. Hope you find it helpful.
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How to Get and Develop Martinus in Evony – Guide and Tips