How to Get More Ink in Rec Room: Ink Guide


Rec Room is an online virtual reality game where players can meet friends and create their own worlds. One of the biggest issues players face while building their worlds is running out of ink. It can be very frustrating not having the tools and colours you need, so we are here to help you find more! Use the guide below to find out how to get more ink in Rec Room: ink guide!

How to Get More Ink in Rec Room

In Rec Room players use a Maker Pen to create the spaces for their friends to come and play and relax in. The drawback to this Maker Pen is that it runs out of Ink, and when it runs out of ink players cannot create anything else for their rooms. So how can we maximise the ink in the Maker Pens?

Maker_pen_edit_menu rec room
Maker Pen Configuration Menu (via Rec Room Inc)

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Check out how much ink you are using by opening the Maker Pen menu while using the pen, and selecting ‘Open Palette’. Here you can see the amount of ink you have used- if it hits 100% you cannot create any more. You cannot increase this percentage so you must find ways to use less ink and maximise the usage of the pen.

Merge Shapes

One way to maximise the ink usage is to ‘merge shapes’. You can do this by following these steps while outside of the edit mode:

This will merge whatever you have selected and make them into one shape. This will give you more ink to use as your room will now have fewer objects in it!

Circuit Boards

Gadgets and chips can be added to your room but these too will use up ink. Treat them like you would shapes in the above tip by selecting them all, tapping the yellow dots or Options tab, and selecting ‘Create Circuit Board’. Now you will be treating them like one object and have used up less ink!

Maker_pen_tools_tab rec room
Maker Pen Menu (via Rec Room Inc)

Decoration Mode

If you have objects in your room that are not essential to gameplay, or are not to be interacted with in any way, you can transform them into decor. Do this by following the steps below:

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This means these objects can be passed through and are just there for decor, with no physical properties. It also frees up some ink for you to use on other elements of your space!

We hope that has helped you free up some ink and add more features to your room. Good luck.

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How to Get More Ink in Rec Room: Ink Guide


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