Fortnite: Where to Find the Alteration Alters in Fortnitemares 2022

fortnitemares alteration altar feature

The Fortnitemares have begun! Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 has jumped straight in to the Halloween themed event Fortnitemares 2022, which began on October 18th. The two-week event has special quests, rewards and bonus XP to win, zombies to kill, and amazing new features and spookified locations. Some of the fun new places to find are the Alteration Altars. Find out where these are in our guide ‘Fortnite: where to find the Alteration Altar in Fortnitemares 2022’.

All Alteration Altars in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4

The Alteration Altars are where players can magic up a Wolf Mask by dancing a ritual dance and becoming one with the Wolf. As long as there is not an opponent waiting nearby to take you out, the ritual itself is pretty easy, and fun to do! But where can we find these Alteration Altars?

wolf mask dance ritual fortnite fortnitemares
Performing the ritual at the Alteration Altar (screenshot by Touch Tap Play)

The main location for these altars is at the Reality Tree. In this latest update, the Reality Tree has undergone yet another transformation, this time it is a Fortnitemares dance party where a wolf-masked DJ performs while spooky figures dance.

chrome loctations during fortnitemares
Chrome Locations and locations of the Alteration altars in Fortnite (via Epic Games)

In these areas are Alteration Altars. Players can approach one and perform the ritual to obtain a Wolf Mask. The Wolf Mask then appears on the character’s head and in your inventory. This mask gives you special powers of Wolfscense to track opponents, and the ability to dash forward in an air slash attack.

Related: All NPC Locations in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4

wolf claws slash attack fortnite fortnitemares
Wolf Claw slash attack in Fortnite (screenshot by Touch Tap Play)

The Alteration Altars can be found at every chromed location, with at least 1 altar positioned there (there are more at Reality Tree). When approaching the chromed location, you will see a small icon on the mini map showing you exactly where the Alteration Altar is located. When an altar is being used by another player the icon will appear larger.

That is all you need to know about finding and using the Alteration Altars during Fortnitemares 2022! Next up, check out how to complete all of the Fortnitemares bonus goals this season. Good luck.

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Fortnite: Where to Find the Alteration Alters in Fortnitemares 2022


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