Top 10 Cool Commands in Minecraft Bedrock Edition

rain in minecraft

Did you know that there are tons of different commands in Minecraft now? Some change the structures of the server while others are just there for a little bit of fun. These are the top 10 cool commands in Minecraft Bedrock Edition that you probably didn’t know about.

The Difficulty Command

By using the /difficulty command, you can switch around the difficulty level of your server. This is handy if you have new players coming in who just aren’t ready for playing with high difficulty. Do keep in mind that some things spawn more in hard settings, like the skeleton horseman.

The Enchant Command

Enchanted weapons are the backbone of Minecraft and will help you out with difficult enemies. For a quick shortcut, use the /enchant command.

The Locate Command

Let’s say you were exploring the server and can’t seem to find your way back to the main area. Getting lost in a big game like Minecraft is easy and happens to many. If you have a nearby landmark, you can use /locate to find the nearest structure as a bookmark to help find your way back.

The Weather Change Command

A group of zombies in Minecraft.

If you need to change the weather for any reason, you can do so with /toggledownfall. This is helpful if it’s raining, as sometimes nocturnal enemies can come out during the day when there’s no sun.

The XP Command

Let’s say you have a player on the server that’s causing a lot of problems or harassing other players. Instead of removing them, you can punish them by using the /xp command in order to take away some of their exp. You literally have the power to take them down a notch.

The Give Command

In a game like Minecraft, it’s easy to collect too much of something. And more often than not, one man’s junk is another person when it comes to players. If you have something another person needs, you can hand it over by using the /give command.

The Always Day Command

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Should there ever be a reason you need a lot of daylight in the game, you can use the /alwaysday command to stop the day and night cycle to pause it completely. This is a good way to get a break from zombies too.

The Say Command

If you have multiple people on your server and want to send out a server-wide message, you can use the /say command to communicate with everyone.

The Game Rule Command

Rules aren’t fun, but they are necessary to keep things running smoothly. To put a game’s rules into place, use the /gamerule command.

The List Command

Sometimes, you might get players on the server who haven’t logged on in a while and need to be removed. To check the people on there, use the /list command to pull up every player.

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Top 10 Cool Commands in Minecraft Bedrock Edition


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