Slime Rancher has amassed a huge fan base around the world. And right at the time of release, Slime Rancher 2 became very popular. Players will be able to continue the adventure of Beatrix LeBeau while exploring Rainbow Island. And the game has a lot of new slimes and useful features. So, in this guide, we will tell you how to find Hunter Slimes in Slime Rancher 2.
Hunter Slimes in Slime Rancher 2
As in the previous part, in Slime Rancher 2 you can find different Slimes. Some of them are unique, and some you already know. And the second group includes Hunter Slimes.
Hunter Slimes are Slimes that can eat any type of meat, including other Slimes. Therefore, if you want to keep Hunter Slimes on the ranch, you must make a Corral with high walls. And also, we don’t recommend you to keep the Hunter Slimes and Coop Pen close to each other because Hunter Slimes love to eat Roostro chicken.
Related: Where to Find Honey Slimes in Slime Rancher 2
How to Find Hunter Slimes
In Slime Rancher 2, you can only find Hunter Slimes by reaching the mid-game. This is because these Slimes are found on a remote island. Exploring the locations around your ranch, you will find Rainbow Fields. And in the south of this location, you can find a Teleporter that will take you to an island called Starlight Strand.
On this island, you can find Hunter Slimes. Especially a lot of them are found in the south of the island. You can also lure them using Roostro chicken. And don’t forget that these Slimes can become almost invisible.
That’s all you need to know about how to find Hunter Slimes in Slime Rancher 2. Follow our tips, and you can replenish your ranch with these Slimes. And while you are here, take a look at our guide on how to get Nectar.
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How to Find Hunter Slimes in Slime Rancher 2